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Helen Georgia Honey Bee Removal From Roof of Mountian Home

Helen, is located in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of northeast Georgia about 80 miles from Atlanta. It is a little German town and a fun place to visit. In fact, it is the 3rd most visited town in Georgia. It has over 200 specialty shops, a scenic state park, and is known for its Oktoberfest. It is a great town to come to for a nice quiet weekend getaway, especially if you have a log cabin home to go to.

A home owner was in for a surprise one day, when they went to spend time at their cabin. They discovered honey bees flying back and forth at the peak of their roof about 30 feet off the ground. A swarm of honey bees had found a perfect place to build their nest or so they thought. They choose the very top of this mountain home and had an entry point right underneath the shingles.

With all the trees and flowing plants that are in Helen, it is a natural habitat for honey bees. You just don’t want them in your house. So Southeast Bee Removal was called to take care of the bee problem.

It was a little hard to tell from the ground the exact entry point of the bee hive. After climbing on the roof I could see the bees were gaining access through a construction gap where the dormer roof meet the peak. There were two ways I could have accessed the bees. The first option would have been through the wooden tongue and groove ceiling of the upstairs bathroom. The second option was through the shingles at the top of the roof. I decided that going through the shingles would be the least amount of work and mess.

After opening the area up, I could see part of the hive. It was maybe a month old.

I carefully removed the entire bees nest including, all the bees, comb, and honey. We do live honey bee removal with the help of a specialized bee vac. 

Some of the hive stuck to the section of plywood I cut out.

With the hive removed, I filled the void with fiberglass insulation to prevent re-infestation to the same location.

I also sealed the bees entry point and checked for other possible cracks on the other side of the dormer and sealed those as well.

The plywood and shingles went down without a problem. You wouldn’t even know that a bee hive had been removed from this location. I usually put a new piece of tar paper between the plywood and shingles to make sure it is extra water tight.

It wasn’t the easiest bee removal I have ever done but I did enjoy a great mountain view while I was removing the bees!

Got bees you need to get rid of? Contact us today for a free estiamte.